We Were There Books
By Heather Idoni
Updated Saturday, March 28, 2009
We Were There...
..at the Battle of the Alamo by Margaret Cousins
...at the Battle for Bataan by Benjamin Appel
...at the Battle of Britain by Clayton and K. S. Knight
...at the Battle of the Bulge by David Shepherd
...at the Battle of Gettysburg by Aida Sims Malkus
...at the Battle of Lexington and Concord by Felix Sutton
...at the Boston Tea Party by Robert N. Webb
...with Byrd at the South Pole by Charles S. Strong
...with Caesar's Legions by Robert N. Webb
...with the California Forty-Niners by Stephen Holt
...with the California Rancheros by Stephen Holt
...with Charles Darwin on the H. M. S. Beagle by Philip Eisenberg
...on the Chisholm Trail by Ross McLaury Taylor
...with Cortes and Montezuma by Benjamin Appel
...at the Driving of the Golden Spike by David Shepherd
...with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys by Robert N. Webb
...at the First Airplane Flight by Felix Sutton
...with Florence Nightingale in the Crimea by Robert N. Webb
...when Grant met Lee atAppomattox by Earl Schenck Miers
...with Jean Lafitte at New Orleans by Iris Vinton
...in the Klondike Gold Rush by Benjamin Appel
...with the Lafayette Escadrille by Clayton Knight
...with Lewis and Clark by James Munves
...with Lincoln in the White House by Earl Schenck Miers
...with the Mayflower Pilgrims by Robert N. Webb
...on the Nautilus by Robert N. Webb
...at the Normandy Invasion by Clayton Knight
...at the Oklahoma Land Run by Jim Kjelgaard
...at the Opening of the Atomic Era by James Munves
...at the Opening of the Erie Canal by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft
...on the Oregon Trail by by William O. Steele
...at Pearl Harbor by Felix Sutton
...with the Pony Express by William O. Steele
...with Richard the Lionhearted in the Crusades by Robert N. Webb
...on the Santa Fe Trail by Ross McLaury Taylor
...when Washington Won at Yorktown by Earl Schenck Miers